Longitude and Latitude

Longitude and Latitude are invisible lines along the earths surface which can be used to find a place on earth. These “lines” are measured in degrees but can get more accurate. If an accurate measurement is required, the degrees can be broken down into minuets and seconds.

Image result for longitude and latitude

As the diagram shows Latitude lines are horizontal (->) and Longitude lines are vertical (->). Latitude is listed before longitude.

The lines are based of the Prime Meridian and the equator. The Prime Meridian is 0 Latitude and the Equator is 0 Longitude.

Longitude and latitude can be used to find any place on earth but it can be hard to memories. The most important lines are:

North Arctic Circle: 66*34N

South Arctic Circle: 66*34S

Tropic of Cancer: 23*26N

Equator: 0*

Tropic of Capricorn: 23*26S

Prime Meridian: 0*

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